View Profile GuitarHero1992

32 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses


It's ok. Blablbla.....One complaint, is that it doesnt ever actually get hard. Another is that damage increases barely do anything. Also, you have to buy weapons off the guy. Don't you think that he would give you the guns to survive??? It just ok.

Good Job!

I like the destruction. It got kinda repedative though. Maybe if you added more powerups like rapid fire, or different additional weapons, it would be cooler. But it is still a kick ass game!


That was an awesome game and all (absolute perfection) but how the hell did you fit all those songs in 684.2 KB??? The quality is still pretty good on the audio too? You are sooo amazing. Can you tell me how you did it?

Nice game

It was actually pretty easy. I never knew you could kill satan with an uzi but it was cool.

Ya man

took me like 1 try to get to a++ but it was fun

KynetiK-27 responds:

It goes much much further than A++


It was basic. Maybe add more levels....more colors.....crazy stuff.....you know all the things that define a flash. I just still love the glitch where you hold down mouse button and drag across the map to the end.


I killed all the animals for no reason. Well the game was fun. It was well animated and got hard at the end. If you wanted to you could have like made different guns or bombs. Anyways that was an ok game.

orv responds:

Thanks, im glad you liked it. I did think about adding more weapons but didnt think it really suited this game.

There's always next time tho :P


I believe it is spelled archery...Hmmm I wouldnt claim final version too soon. And where is the preloader. Anyways, it was ok.

Good game but horribly frustrating.

Ya the game has a good basis, graphics, sound, story and all that, but when the enemies come on the screen, they shoot at you and hit you before you can kill them. Fix that and this would be great.

This is what I think!

This flash sucked balls!!! lol just kidding. It was actually pretty cool. It was knida Jerky animations, but the deaths were great! I kinda did an animation like this once and got blammed so good luck!

Hey everyone! Before you ask...Yes, I am awesome!

Andrew McKnight @GuitarHero1992

Age 32, Male


Lakewood High School

Newark, OH

Joined on 10/14/06

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